Monzo in the Media

Barclaycard used to show Experian’s score but it literally was just their dial with the number so totally pointless.

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Not for free. Monzo are the first to do that. Source article got it wrong! Tsk. Never trust a journalist, eh?

Barclays didn’t charge customers for access to Experian credit score. It was free. :+1:

In their communications when they discontinued it in October 2019 they said it was due to new services being available elsewhere. Not a core business for them, I suspect.

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Very odd as RBS have been rolling this out credit score in app across its brands for several weeks now!

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Well, I didn’t know that. You can learn something new on here every day! Thanks! :+1:


Ceases to be thrilling when fusty old RBS are doing it, doesn’t it?


Capital One used to give Equifax credit reports (not just scores) to their customers for free as far back as 2008.


Hopefully this will tie in with the original marketplace plans which appear to have been on the back burner for ages.

More of a threat to clearscore and credit karma than Experian.

Certainly not anything new but unlike barclaycard, capital one or rbs you can be sure that this is just clearing the ground for something to be built on top, rather than just a button you click which says “your score is 456, check back in 60 days to see your new score”… at least I hope not! :scream:

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We’ve had this in the planning for a long time :slight_smile:

Indeed you have as evidenced ages ago in the Android tear downs :slight_smile:

Haha - I tend to avoid the Android tear downs thread. Avoids me sticking my foot in it :see_no_evil:


Newer app-based banks like Monzo and Starling have also sprung-up, and now boast over four million customers between them:joy: :joy:

  • over five million if you put the two together :+1:

Technically that’s a true statement, but you could take the million word out and it would still be a true statement. I’ve seen worse articles thought where it’s clear they spent no time checking and copy+paste stats from an older article.

, and now boast over four customers between them

Looks like next Weds Monzo will hit 4m.

Starling got 1m “accounts” back in Nov. Probably a few less customers if they are counting euro/business in that.

82 posts were split to a new topic: Monzo Tone of Voice Updates - Discussion

Has anyone seen this article?

Quite an interesting read and one of the better written pieces I’ve seen in the press.


Can you split off the blacklist discussion into a separate topic please.

This one is for Monzo in the Media.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Monzo Tone of Voice Updates - Discussion

A lot of the article is very fair. They HAVE to get more people paying salaries in, 30% or whatever Of the user base is not going to cut it Then they have to up sell. I wonder for legacy banks, what percentage of current accounts have salaries going into them? Genuinely have no clue.


Good Article, and it’s the “catch 22” situation in may ways, both for Monzo and us as customers.

I originally opened Monzo as a spending account, eventually taking the plunge to go “full monzo” (which is what Monzo needs) and was for a while.

But then I started to wonder about the sustainability and longevity of monzo, and re-opened a legacy account for savings, salary and bills, using Monzo again only for spending (Bad for Monzo)

The challenge for Monzo is to build trust in folk such as myself, which in turn would build trust in investors onwards. I hope that they will make it, but until there’s concrete proof that they will I wont go back to full monzo anyway.

PS - Yes I know the FSCS thing, and the fact that Netflix etc all are built not to make money, but Monzo is a bank. I could live with Netflix going and not paying the money to use it more than I could not being able to get to the money I have :slight_smile:

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