When you take a word such as blacklist which in society has no known connection to race or slavery, and dissect the whole term to extract black and then purposely go looking throughout history to try and find a connection to race and slavery I would say that is not helping.
If the term was bluelist and people understood like they do with blacklist that it was the list you didn’t want to be on the chances are Monzo would have not changed it.
It’s being changed because of the colour black having negative connotations, but that doesnt mean we should rewrite colour meaning in the same way we don’t change green for envy.
People aren’t taking this as a list of black people, or making the leap from blacklist > black > bad > black people.
By making the change it has a negative impact as you are changing for the sake of changing not because of a legitimate reason.
All you do is cause the current generation to be labeled as overzealous PC that is trying to rewrite history.
It’s not helping the systemic racism towards black people. It basically belittles the whole change of attitude and movements like BLM by trying to purposely seek out racism that doesn’t exist, and that calling it blocklist is going to do anything but rile up anti-black and anti-pc idiots.