Monzo for iPhone - Release Notes (v1.9.26)

Hello everyone :wave:

Our latest iOS app update is up and ready for action. The biggest change is choosing where your card gets delivered, which is great news for students :man_student::raised_hands::woman_student:

Here’s the release notes.

Steaming app updates, fresh out the oven:

We’ve fixed it so you can get your card delivered wherever you like, rather than just to your registered home address. Maybe get it from your parents’ house and do some washing while you’re there?

Plus we squished bugs, as per usual. (Sorry for making you think about bugs in an oven.)

Please share your feedback below :heart:️

If this is the same as the TestFlight release, I’ve been having random Touch ID prompts for Monzo when not opening the Monzo app.

I’m not sure if it’s an issue with the Monzo app, or iOS 11.3…


Monzo to Monzo payments are missing for me. Do I just need to enable it somehow though I can’t find the option :man_shrugging:t2:

Edit: payments with friends is enabled but missing from the payments screen.

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Same here since I reinstalled the app. None of my contacts are in the payments tab despite having enabled payments with friends.

Hi @Frankiejr and @anon23935806,

Sorry to hear you are having problems with Monzo to Monzo payments and thanks a lot for reporting the issue! If you go to Account > Settings and turn off “Payments with friends” and then go back to the Payments tap, you should now see an option to “Instantly pay friends” which will reenable Monzo to Monzo payments. Please let me know if that does not fix the issue.


Yep that fixed it - seems like the permission for contacts is only asked when enabling Payments with friends from the on boarding screen - if it’s already enabled and the app is installed on a new device (no contacts permission) it doesn’t actually ask for it and thus doesn’t get access to them.

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I never installed on a new device. I think this may be a bug when installing 1.19.26 for iOS.

Anyone done a standard App Store update and not on TestFlight? Is payments with friends working correctly?

Thanks this worked for me. Has this effectively disabled it for all users updating? May be worth an in app banner if so to save your COps :+1:t2:


We’ve now released v.1.9.28 for iPhone. Give us your feedback here.