I recently booked a hostel in Amsterdam and hostel had to take a hold on my monzo flex card. They said the hold would removed once I paid my invoice at the end of my stay. Even after I paid my invoice, the hold charge was not removed and monzo took the money from my account on the flex payment date.
I’ve contacted monzo to complain with evidence of the fact I’ve already paid and evidence from the hostel confirming it was just a hold and not a charge. Since the charge, I’ve spoke to the hotel who confirmed they have not received a second payment. It seems like monzo has taken the money and not done anything with it.
Has this happened to anyone before or could anyone offer advice.
I think this is where flex could be improved really. It doesn’t work well in this scenario, a more ‘traditional’ credit card would be a better option.
In an ideal world, flex would ‘hold’ the money off your limit, like a traditional cc but not put you on a plan since as like @Carlo1460 says these absolutely can take an age to drop off.
@kevcahill4 the hotel won’t have got anything, it’s just a hold which since you’ve paid the full amount means they or you are due nothing further.
I’m not sure raising a complaint will do much other than hopefully convince monzo to do better with handling holds here, but good luck and let us know how you get on.
Not sure this needs it’s own thread through, perhaps it could be merged into the existing one @AlanDoe?
I think the main issue is that even though it’s a hold it’s included in your monthly flex payment. It does sort itself out once the hold drops but as @JIMMWX says, that isn’t a smooth or intuitive experience
100% agree, anything that requires a hold would be better on a classic style credit card as you don’t have to worry about potentially losing the money for X amount of days until it’s paid back when the hold drops off.
Yes I have been charged twice. My friends and I paid the balance off at the hotel. Then the pre authorised charge has been ‘paid off’ by my flex. The hostel haven’t received a second payment
Thank you. I have all the copies of invoices etc to support my claim. But yeah I used my flex as the hold charge then we paid the balance separately on arrival. The hold charge reminded on my flex card and then payment day and it took the money anyway.
I also contacted the hotel and they’ve not received any additional money too.
If you have partly paid the Monzo flex balance which included the hold, When the hold gets returned to your account, the months flex balance will go down to reflect that, So you will pay less next month