Monzo creating a community app?

Does anyone else think that monzo should create an app for the monzo community?

I find it a pain to go through the internet browser all the time.

Thanks guys i have got it set up now.


There’s a Discourse app already.

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Thank you , how would i set this up ?

Not very good reviews on Google Play Store for the Discourse app.

But then, I always take reviews with a pinch of salt as people generally moan more than they praise when giving reviews.

After all, if something works as expected why would you feel the need to post a review :man_shrugging:

I tend to post reviews when something exceeds my expectations

I have set it up now so i will see how it works out.

Let us know what you make of it please.

On Android or Apple?

If you’re on iOS, then I may download it to test drive it for :android:

So far its really neat.
Its looks and works are far as i can see so far like the regular community through the internet browser just with notifications.

I am on IOS.

Never knew about this. Thank you for sharing. Will make it easier than using my browser. :+1:


Will download and try the :android: version then.


On iOS it’s pretty much indistinguishable from the web version. You can get notifications tho.

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The iOS version was a bit flaky a few years ago, but seems to work well enough now.

It’s not much different to the web version, but there’s notifications.

Works really well on the iPhone.


I went to download the discourse app and then realised that I have a dedicated Monzo Community app on my phone already :man_shrugging:

I thought it was a web link, but no, it is an app.

Would that be for Android or iOS?

I agree that’s why I have the Monzo Community forum as a shortcut on my phone’s desktop so I’m not sure there’s a need for an app IMO.

I always access the community through the Monzo app.

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