Longest possible chargeback length

I was wondering what is the longest possible length for a Monzo chargeback, I’m assuming it can only be reopened once if they reply to the first chargeback which can last up to the 3 months.
So am I right in thinking that If they was to reply on the very last day of the original chargeback, it could take another 3 months from there, therefore totalling 6 months to get your money back?

This has been discussed in a number of other topics, but this may be of use:

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I’ve only had to raise one so far, back in January 2017, when the form was actually a manual Google Docs form. It took 3 months and 3 days from the actual purchase date, so probably ten weeks from the date I raised the chargeback.

I had one throw PayPal and that took about 3 mouths but then the offer side dispute it so then it added an extra mouth in top.

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