iPhone 12

Quick tip: if you pay for iCloud storage already, this does not get cancelled when buying Apple One. The additional Apple One storage just gets added to what you already pay for.

If like me, where you only need 50GB, you’ll need to go to iCloud in settings and downgrade.

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I’m a bit torn if I want to upgrade. I already pay for Music and iCloud, so I probably should. But I’ve got the promo for a year of free Apple TV to use yet. So I’d just be getting effectively an 80p discount on Arcade.

Im sure I heard that it will downgrade automatically when the iCloud sub ends for the month, but yeah, doing it yourself makes sure. Unless you want 100GB.

Does anyone know what Apple Fitness is like? Could I replace my Strava subscription with it for example?

We won’t know until later in the year. You’ll need an Apple Watch for it though

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From the keynote when they announced it, it seems like it’s there to compete with Peloton for those who don’t necessarily want their fancy equipment?

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Ahh okay. I see, that’s a no then! Shame that would have made it worth it. Maybe if I can go splits with my partner on a family plan though…

I’m the family owner for our Spotify family subscription which I’m cancelling as of today so my partner won’t have a choice, mwahahahahaha.

Unless he wants to pay £10 for Spotify when he could get Apple TV, Arcade and some iCloud storage too for the same cost.

We should probably start an One thread but it’s showing up in settings now. It says existing subs are not eligible. Not sure what that means

It depends. Full details here

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What if you’re on the years free trial of Apple TV+? I’ve got it until next March so if I choose Apple One, how’s that going to work?

I’m thinking it might replace my Freeletics sub. I’m hopeful Apple will improve on the Strava-like features.

How my cynical mind sees it:

"'Ere, Dave, this mug rejected our very generous offer for a broken phone!
“Don’t forget to smash his camera before sending it back to 'im.”



Anyone else underwhelmed by 5g?

I turned it off as soon as my phone was up and running

Out of interest, Seat 31D on the same 737 had way less 5G signal when arriving;

Definitely a wide range of 5G speeds there, 87.7 compared to 246 in the same place earlier.

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Little off topic but what docks do you guys use for your Apple watch and iPhone?

I’ve wanted one that can go flat for putting in a bag when travelling, charge both devices and not cost an arm and a leg…

I’ve seen a couple of I think Belkin and another company, but upwards of £150 I can’t really justify.

Two wires and and Anker power adapter with multiple usb sockets.

Not as sexy as wireless, but meets your criteria…

I’m waiting to see when this comes out and how much it is…

I’m waiting on this one personally, it’s able to charge 3 devices at once and is made out of stainless steel/aluminium.

£150 is a bit steep for a charger but I’ll be picking it up when it’s available at some point in the winter.