✅ [iOS] No notifications on iOS beta v2.46

No notifications from app. App does not appear in notification centre.
Details to reproduce:
When s§ending/receiving money no notification given.
ios 12.3 public beta 4
Iphone XS Max
App Version:

It works fine on mine and I’m on the released OS so it sounds like fingers should be pointing at the iOS Beta rather than the Monzo app.

Have you tried restarting your phone? Or reinstalling the app? I definitely get notifications.

Yes, I’ve tried restarting and reinstalling. It may be due to ios beta, but it was working previously

Notifications working fine here on same beta. Usually when notifications stop working it’s an iOS issue and reinstalling the app sorts it.

Notifications working here too on iOS beta and iPhone Max.

Actually, I’m on 12.2 and I’m pretty sure I was expecting a few notifications yesterday while at the tills that didn’t come through but later on when I opened the app to check I could see the transactions.

No notifications coming through for me. Tried both testflight and app store build. Using the latest 12.3 beta.

Tried an app reinstall and a device restart.

iPhone XS
iOS 12.3 beta 4 (16F5155a)
Monzo 2.46.0 (#523)

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I had no notifications of 2 bank transfers and an ATM withdrawal today.

iPhone X
iOS 12.2 (16E227)
Monzo 2.46.0 (523)

Monzo isn’t showing up as an app in notification settings… :sob:


Is notifications on in the Monzo app? Try toggling it to force the notification approval request

Couldn’t find it anywhere, but I did look. Any ideas where it can be found?

Strange mine is. image

In settings - top 2 options


Oh yeah :man_facepalming: It was on, toggled to force it and now it’s back in notifications, all settings look good. Hopefully that’ll fix it :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks a lot, toggling it off and on again solved the issue.

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Just toggled mine too. Working now. Thanks.