No Notifications

Since upgrading my phone, I have not been getting any notifications from the Monzo app. Notifications are enabled and using latest publicly available build from the app store. Tried deleting and reinstalling.

Details to reproduce:
iOS 16.1
iPhone 14 Pro Max
App Version:
Latest iOS build in app store


Have you tried disabling notifications in the app then enabling them again? This worked for me when I upgraded my iPhone.

I haven’t. I’ll try that now.

Double check the notifications for payments are turned on with Monzo’s settings too! Whenever I reinstall Monzo and enable notifications, it seems to turn everything on except for payments which is always off by default for me. So I have to go into Monzo and toggle them on.

At least you can get in. Upgrade to 16.1 and open won’t even open.
Good job I don’t need to use tonight.

@Drew58 have a quick look through this thread and see if any of the troubleshooting methods there gets it working. I suspect you’re experiencing that same bug and the upgrade just triggered it. The upgrade didn’t break it for me this time, but I’m currently running an older build of the app from TestFlight, the crashing bug seems to have gotten significantly more severe and harder, if not impossible to fix in recent versions for a few folks.