Hey all, as of the recent update I’ve noticed that the fist time I open Monzo on a new calendar day, I get the “Logged Out” screen and it forces me to log in again. So far, it’s happened 3 days in a row now.
No issues here. Might be worth checking your email account is secure and no forwarding rules have been set. It could be that someone is actually logging into your account and that automatically logs you out.
My girlfriend opens the Monzo app on her iPhone 8 about 2-3 times per week and often finds (about once per week/every 2nd or 3rd time) that she’s been logged out. She’s not logged in on another phone or via the web.
I had the same issue with the TeatFlight app iPhone XS on iOS 12.1.1. The app would occasionally crash when I opened it, and then I’d have to log in again.
Reinstalled App Store version, and too early to say whether this is still an issue.