iOS app not updating

Hi all is anyone else having issues with the iOS app updating?


Yes. Very often:

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Thanks the old thing of glad it’s not me applies. I’ve never had it before and I’ve done all the usual things to remedy it but it’s still the same. At least I can use my card. I’ve reached out to chat but that’ll probably take a little while but I’m grateful for the reply.

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It’s very common on a Friday evening, unfortunately (but oddly, last week, it seemed to just be iOS users impacted by reports on here). Hope it gets fixed soon.

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I share your hope!:crossed_fingers:

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Just had a reply from chat on this. Asked me to delete and reinstall app (which I clearly said in my initial message that I had already done). Following that I’ve been told it’s being passed to a specialist but that they were very busy. So we’ll see what happens.


Useless support as always.


Struggling to disagree with you tbh!:man_shrugging:


Having a similar issue, but for the first time.

The Home Screen spinner constantly spins at the top of the screen but my feed never updates - there’s no way to dismiss it so I can’t use the Home Screen at all.

Maybe related - the Plus screen (the central icon in my menu bar) also has an infinite spinner ATM. So Trends, Payments and Help all work, but not Home or Plus.

It’s been like this for 6 hours :disappointed:


I’m EXACTLY the same!


Same here. Home screen not updating. Been like it since yesterday PM. I deleted and reinstalled the app. Transactions then appeared. But the waiting/thinking spinning wheel is still there in the top left! Savings won’t load nor investments. This is the first issue I’ve had in 5 years.


I’m the same; first issue in 6 years. Just for a bit of context I’ve just used my card in our early morning Sainsbury’s (didn’t dare try Apple Pay) and whilst it worked fine and I received the usual notification the balance didn’t update. But after logging out and then back in again it updated which was a relief. App still useless as before but hopefully it’ll be sorted sooner rather than later.

Same thing here, none of my feeds update. I couldn’t see the balance last night after paying for charging. I deleted and re-installed and the balance updated but none of my feeds are updating. I am also blocked out from withdrawing any money from my pots - which is a bit of a serious issue in my opinion


It’s all a serious issue and I hope Monzo acknowledge and sort it.


My feed has been perfectly fine :no_mouth:

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Thanks for that lol. :roll_eyes:


Yup, came here searching for exactly that. Reinstalled and same problem. Push notifications working fine.

Have reached out to support.

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Yup this is still a problem this morning for me too.

I’ve since tried the whole delete, restart, reinstall method to no avail either. Not acceptable for an online only bank.

Push notifications are fine, my balance and transaction feed just don’t update to reflect and I can’t transfer the money being sent to me out to Chase.


I even tried calling them but that number doesn’t give you an option of ‘app does not work’ and it just hangs up on me in the end

There should be some sort of comms right? I mean an oncall engineer should come on here or they should have some sort of feedback to let us know that they are working on it or something atleast

I normally have my money budgeted into pots and transfer into my main balance as and when i need to spend. now i am stuck without not having enough to use over the weekend because i can’t even access my pots


@AlanDoe @leewatkins @MikeMurray @iOS_Health any answers for this? This is a P1 issue and no updates from Monzo