iOS app not updating

I can’t even contact Support !


Strange you should say that. I could (and did) yesterday and now I’m in the same boat as you. Not acceptable!


@avb since tredns also not updating properly, maybe if you see this you could let some engineers know and the people responsible for this to give us a response

Definitely some iOS specific errors in the last few days. Search had a wobble yesterday ( but is now back for me (:android:)

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They clearly haven’t even acknowledges a problem since the Monzo app is apparently ‘Operational’. Maybe the defintition of Operational is ‘as a user I can open the Monzo app and see my outdated balances’

Finally someone oncall waking up!!


If your card still works what’s the chew?

What if you are a person who budgets? Doesn’t have all their money in the main balance and spends out of pots by transferring them?

What if you have money saved in pots that you needed to pay someone today? a solicitor? a treatment cost? a mortgage broker?

There are many situations people can be in like this. So just cos you have the card doesn’t mean everyone’s problems are solved!!!

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Ok, no point continually moaning about it though.

It’s broken. Move on, wait til it’s fixed.

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Wow have you thought about how some people have anxiety about their money? They will have responsibilites to take care of with that said money?

Please be empathetic to people’s situations. Since you’re not there in everyones shoe. I think people here are more than happy to be wait for it to be fixed. But general Customer service is that you acknowldege a problem, then you communicate with your customers then people wait for it to be resolved.

Just because it’s not happening to you doesn’t make it okay for others


Fair point mate but as you said earlier you’re not experiencing issues. That’s good for you but others are.


Just to add to the other reports the app is not refreshing / updating transactions for me either and the help tab and Perks tab are also not loading.


Eggs and baskets my friend.

Politeness and respectfulness my friend. :pray:


Sometimes Carlo, your conduct completely astounds me.

Prior to an official acknowledgement of an issue from Monzo, we don’t know what or why is broken, why it’s not affecting you but is affecting me. The situation creates anxiety, particularly when nothing you try fixes it, and all Monzo support does is gaslight you and shift any blame or responsibility away from themselves.

It helps to discuss these issues so we can see if it’s affecting others, if others have been able to fix it and how. And to know you’re not alone. The reality is, if the bank isn’t acknowledging a problem, unless enough folks make enough noise, they tend to go on not acknowledging it. That’s why it’s taken so long for any notice from Monzo.

But in any case, the app not working from an app only bank, with radio silence and no support is incredibly poor form. They lack all the myriad of fallbacks traditional banks have, and traditional banks actually communicate such issues with us, yet they still get slated and mocked on here when such issues arise.

Whether or not the card works is irrelevant. My brother paid his share of a bill that I need to forward on to the external account where the bill is paid from, which I’ve not been able to do for the past 17 hours. What if I was reliant on that money to pay the bill?


Seriously? What a stupid thing to say. You’ve clearly got absolutely nothing to add to this conversation. Suggest you go and do something better with your time on the weekend.

Meanwhile, I haven’t been able to refresh my bank account for 24 hours now. I can’t send money. I have no idea if I have received money I was meant to receive yesterday. I can’t contact support. I can’t access a significant chunk of my savings. I can’t manage my Flex payment. The fact that they have barely just managed to cobble together a notice on their status page a day late is also very poor.


Succinctly put! Never pull up your own drawbridge when some of your fellow customers are struggling to make it ashore.


Very well said.

This is the first major issue I’ve had with Monzo and they’ve been my main current account for 6 years now. But so far, the way they have dealt (or not!) with this significant outage is very very poor.

Will be making a complaint whenever I can get the app to work. Let’s see how they deal with that.


I guess now would be a good time to encourage people (whichever bank they choose to use as their main bank) to always have a back up plan for when it stops working.

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I have a back up current account and I have credit cards elsewhere. It doesn’t make it any more acceptable to have a 24 hour outage of my primary current account and credit card with no updates.