iOS 18

With iOS 18 right around the corner thought it would be worth setting this topic up.

From what I can see its going to be very Ai oriented with possibly a new Siri :eyes:


Excited for those who care about AI, I personally am ready for an hour-long AI-flavoured snooze fest.

I hope we get some non-AI features and a bit of a design refresh. Otherwise my phone does all I need it to do.


Hopefully the new watch OS will change the rain complication back to how Apple advertise it.

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Should have just one generic Apple thread :smiley:


Thereā€™s the iPhone one. I can rename this one if we think itā€™s worth it?

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I think a generic iOS thread imo. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Just iOS? :thinking:

Yea. With iPadOS in another I think. And macOS in another.

We have an ios17 thread already

So iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, WatchOS, tvOS then do you have product threads too? iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch etc, donā€™t forget accessories. :laughing:

Just one ā€œAppleā€ thread , means we donā€™t need extra threads every time Apple fart out an event. :smiley:


Just make a thread ā€œChatā€ then we dont need threads for anything more.

iOS 18 should have a thread as it will be easier to track.


So am I leaving it as iOS 18 :joy:


Iā€™d leave the iOS threads as a new one every release but we do need a general Apple thread where we can talk about products etc.



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Prefer them separate so I can stay up to date on 17.x, without having to sift through pages of bugs in iOS 18 Developer Betas that I have no intention of installing. :grimacing:

While weā€™re at it, may as well rename the ā€™Latest tech purchasesā€™ thread to ā€˜Latest purchase of literally anything and questions about/relating to one I might be about to buyā€™ :rofl:


This would be a good idea IMO.

That one was semi serious, as itā€™s too far gone to be recoverable at this point. But I think most people know thatā€™s the case anyway now.

On topic though, I am just looking forward to hopefully having the ability to put blank spaces on the home screen. Definitely missed that when I came over from Android.

Iā€™ve never understood why people love this, itā€™s never bothered me and even when Iā€™m on Android (I switch quite often) I still set it up like my iPhone. :joy:

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Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re being sarcastic or ironic, but itā€™s certainly nice to have the choice to set up your device the way you like it.

Can see the ship has sailed, but I was definitely on the one iOS thread to rule them all bandwagon.

How am I being sarcastic or ironic? I never said people shouldnā€™t have choice, I said I donā€™t get why people want it.