Investors flair here on the forum 🚀

I’m a bit late to the game as well unfortunately. After months of being a monzo beta member and also being on the community of monzo, I believe that monzo has great potential I would like to be an investor of monzo to create a bank that actually cares about it’s customer’s. :blush:

I’m an investor, so for the flair: me too, please! :rocket:

Me too please, by no means a newcomer and an investor in both rounds. Only just realised what the snazzy rockets signify and I simply must have one! (If you’d be so kind…)

@tofoo you have it already?


Ooo, where did that come from?! Apologies -seems the flair fairies did there thing when I wasn’t watching. Thanks to whoever needs thanking.

Can I be added please? :slight_smile:
I believe I didn’t have an account on the forum at that time!

Could you add me to the group please? :grinning:

Hello I’m
An investor and don’t have the badge your support team said I have to message one of you and you will add it


Hi, I am a 2017 Investor, can I please have the investor flair added :slight_smile:

Hey I am a 2017 investor, pretty please could mine be added? :wink:


Hey I am a investor but have only just become a member on here. Can I get my badge? It’s the same email I used for crowd cube.

I am an investor but have just joined the forum. Please can I have the investor badge added to me profile?

:wave: Hey There, I was a 2017 Investor, and I’ve just joined. Email should be the same, let me know if you need anything more, like the ownership statement.

Hi I am an investor but don’t have the badge or title :slightly_frowning_face: please add it for me :pray:

Pretty sure Tristan is busy building a bank at the moment :roll_eyes: who’s idea was it to put a rocket on our names? What a big waste of time!

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Says the guy with the rocket on his name… :wink:



Yeah, this wasn’t one of my smartest ideas! Will update ASAP :slight_smile: (And do keep hassling me)


Hi, I’m an investor, but don’t currently have the flair, could I be added please?

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Can you add my investor badge please?

I am pretty sure I used the same email :blush: