Investors flair here on the forum šŸš€

All crowdfunding investors from both rounds should now be added to our brand new forum group, Investors. That gives you a new title ā€œCrowdfunding Investorā€ next to your name and should add our crowdfunding rocket badge to your profile picture.

If you didnā€™t get automatically added, you probably used a different email address to invest than the one used on the forum. Let us know and we can manually add you to the group. You can of course remove it if youā€™d like! :rocket:


Looks like the compass on Google maps

Nice touch. :rocket:
I lost my ā€œAlpha / Investorā€ badge as a result - but Iā€™ve found a workaround. :nerd_face:


I donā€™t seem to have one just yet - but Iā€™m pretty sure all my email addresses match upā€¦

P.S my first post on the forum - Iā€™m usually a quiet observer!

Update: tell a lie, appears my first post is now worthless !!


Welcome lurker! :rocket::wave:t3::rocket:

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Thatā€™s a badass looking flair! :smiley:
Makes me ever so slightly more envious of those who were selected to invest :wink: Hahaha!

Any possibility for an expanded selection of flairs? :slight_smile: Would be cool to get a little mixture of them going, they look very pro :ok_hand:


Now Iā€™m going to have to add a profile picā€¦

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Lucky buggers :wink:


Wow thanks. @tristan

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I think one ā€˜issueā€™ I haveā€¦ Is itā€™s now a teeny-tiny bit more difficult to spot Monzo team memberā€™s posts.:stuck_out_tongue:
Not a major issue. But I often like to see what :monzo: staff have to say in some topics, it was super easy to spot their logo (being the only flair in the forum) but now Iā€™ve got to use my eagle eyes a little bit more :wink:


I donā€™t think I have one, and Iā€™ve definitely used the same email :cry:

Edit: Apparently Iā€™m a filthy liar


I agree with that. Maybe :mondo: staff could have a hot coral badge?


Is it big headed of me to like the fact the old one said Mondo crowd funding investor so people knew I was part of the original investmentā€‹?:thinking:

Yeahā€‹ it is a bit :joy::joy:


I agree! :slight_smile:
Just anything really, enough to separate them from the, newly created, crowd :joy:

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Just rubbing it in now :frowning:

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Presumably mine will kick in soon?

For some reason the title has disappeared for me and I canā€™t work out how to get it back. When I go to settings to change title it gives me the option of regular or none. Any ideas?

Was sure that Iā€™d posted before but no, am sure that Tristan or someone on the team will sort us out :smile:

Tristan explains what to do if the title hasnā€™t been assigned to you, in the first post for this topic.


Yep, let them know. Hoped my post had a dual purpose of reassuring Sam and - secondarily - doing that. Sorry if that wasnā€™t clear, I think that was fair and your post unnecessarily stand-offish