Introducing the new Monzo Plus

The blue card against the current plus app background is not great, quite jarring. Would love the option to have the usual grey background.


Set a spending budget in summary.

To each their own. I think the green looks a bit vomit-like and doesn’t match the rest of the Plus branding at all.


Genuinely, I think I’m missing something here. Lets say you want to make a purchase with retailer X who you are not entirely confident in. What’s the difference between giving them your ‘real’ debit card details and your ‘virtual’ one? Can’t they use either set to steal from your account in the future?

Or do you intend to keep a virtual card frozen apart from when using it, or something like that?

Also, just to note that debit card fraud is the bank’s responsibility, not the customers, unless you’ve been grossly negligent somehow.

Normally I would agree. Green is one of my least favourite colours, but it’s a very soft warm hue, almost teal. It sort of reminds me of the old atom bank app.

Because you wouldn’t block yours normal physical card after every transaction and order the new one

That’s :clap: not :clap: a :clap: security :clap: feature :clap:

Yes they can. But, if they add pot support then nope. If the card can self destruct (or I delete it manually) then nope. If they get hacked I’m not having to cancel and replace my physical card, and I can just delete the virtual one and get a replacement in an instant.

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I don’t see why we couldn’t eventually have a similar scrolling colour selector (as used for virtual cards) that can change the background tint of the app to whatever users want.

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I had the blue original Monzo Plus card to seperate it from my Joint Account card, and as more and more people got Monzo, i found people where intrigued to see a Blue Monzo Card…

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So will you have a “dodgy retailer” virtual card? If you don’t remove it after purchase then surely it makes no difference?

And if you use one each time you do it, then you’ll burn through the limit won’t you?

I’d say less about the ability for them to steal per se, as you say they have my details, but more that I can separate my “daily” card from them.

If a website I use my new “online only” card gets a data breach, I can cancel that card without affecting my main card.

And vice versa, if I lose my main card, I don’t need to tell various online vendors about it.


This is what I don’t get currently - is it a limit of 100 in total with no possibility to reuse deleted cards? If I run out, what do I do, what am I paying for?

Surely you could recycle the card numbers with different expiry/CVV when deactivated…


They could have used a very light, multicoloured blurred background tint, like the ‘monzo’ logo on the new card, so it had a sort of iridescent, spectrum effect.

The more I see the green the more I dislike it, to be honest. It just seems so out of place to both the Plus branding and Monzo’s core branding. I know there’s more to life but it’s the little things.

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A bit of feedback regarding the physical card.

I think it would have been nice if it had the hot coral core


Cool thanks, I guess that explains it. So it’s not necessarily more secure / theft prevention but it does make an incidence of theft less inconvenient. Yeah I can see that as a benefit, albeit a small one (in 15 years of banking I’ve only had one case of this and I can’t say it inconvenienced me massively - I have a spare current account and about four subscriptions to update).

Is there a limit? Afaik the limit is 5 at any one time. If I delete and set up a new one, that won’t count towards it?

I’m more or less thinking about the future though. Pots and self destructing cards will patch most of those concerns.

For me right now though, it’s less about those shops I’ll only shop from once misusing my card, and more for in the event they get hacked and my card details get stolen. The impact will be minimal as it will only affect my “dodgy shops” card so I delete it and get a new card and won’t need to update it anywhere.

Somewhere they said there’s a 100 total VCard cap. I;m sure by the end of this week when all of us are up to 75 used they’ll lift it.

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Mine’s a budget, and I have a monthly budget (I’m paid on the 15th). My money is stored in a separate pot, with a scheduled withdrawal per day of a daily budget amount. :slight_smile:

If you set up a budget, it’s different to no budget + just left to spend … or something. :sweat_smile:

The interest rate is lower this time around because the Bank of England rate dropping due to the current situation with COVID. Not just Monzo with lower rates

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