Introducing Salary Sorter and Bills Pots 🎉

Like the fact that salary sorter seems to play nice with Joint accounts.

Does any one know if a way or plans in the works to make external bank transfers as part of the salary sorter process?

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You can sort any income into your Monzo account(s)/pot(s) so long as the incoming amount is ÂŁ100 or more. You can even sort between Monzo account types and do cascading sorts too (the ÂŁ100 limit still applies though)

But you can’t sort to an external account yet from within sorter - the Open Banking framework to do this isn’t there yet and may not be implemented at all :man_shrugging:

Late to the party but just set up the same thing hopefully it works okay for Spotify and Voxi :slight_smile:

Does Salary Sorter work automatically or do you have to click on it every time and click sort?!

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It’s not automatic. It can remember your previous sort but you’d still need to press the button manually to sort

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Why would it need open banking?

Surely all that’s needed is the same details as you’d use for a bank transfer (sort code and account number)

In case discussed earlier, I haven’t read the majority of this thread yet.

Yes, you can transfer in the normal way via bank transfer of course. But not using Sorter.

The general context is “you can’t transfer from Monzo to another account using Open Banking, but you can transfer from another account to Monzo using Open Banking” - as in the ‘Move money’ feature on connected accounts.

So if that isn’t implemented (no ‘Move money’ icon under a Monzo account), then Sorter won’t be able to do it.

I think the real issue is Monzo are making it as easy as possible to move money in and not so easy to move money out, as far as Open Banking goes.

Open banking makes complete sense for pulling money from external accounts. That’s one of the things it’s designed for.

But seems unnecessary for transfers to external accounts to have any dependence on open banking (either in salary sorter or in a more general sense).

With regard to Salary Sorter it seems to me all that’s needed is for Monzo to make bank transfer available as one of the sort options.

Any chance of having the pots in the salary sort in the custom order we’ve put them in? I use spread sheets to work stuff out and this is the only place with the pots in the wrong order which causes some mismatching :cry:

Monese getting billsy


Not heard of them but look good.

Don’t know if this has been mentioned, but I would love a card to be able to spend out of a pot. I know starling do something like this, (it’s not copying an idea if it a good one). I have a large family so a supermarket pot would be amazing with a card.

There’s an idea thread for spending directly from pots on your own card, which you can vote on if you’re also interested in that.

But I can’t seem to find an ideas thread for connected shopping card (the Starling feature).


Warped reasoning there.


Is it me or has anyone lost the ability to see the amounts due from pots when sorting salary?

It used to tell me what was scheduled from my pots on my payday (when the period has reset to the new month) after going into Sort Salary so I could shift the exact amount of money into each pot where the expected direct debit and/or standing order was being paid from, but this seems to have disappeared over the last couple of months :cry:

I’m on Samsung Galaxy Note10+ 5G with Android 11 using the latest version of the app if this helps.

The link is slightly wrong so doesn’t work, remove the double https://

But otherwise is looks like quite a comprehensive review.

“However, in April of 2017, Monzo’s banking licensing would be granted, meaning you could open a deposit account with them.”

Was it? I thought it was later than this - November 2017 that the current account was offered?

“Salary Sorter
With salary sorter, you can switch your current bank account to make Monzo your primary.”

That should be CASS, not ‘Salary Sorter’?

Nah. Banking license was granted in April - Welcome to Monzo Bank! - but current account wasn’t rolled out till later. :slight_smile:

The two are different milestones.

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Thanks for the clarification. So that line is literally correct, but also a bit of an elastic-band statement.

Hi David, sorry I didn’t write the review it’s just one I came across but unfortunately it’s been hidden anyway as it was seen as over promotional. I did do some background checks to make sure that it was factually correct and it was more or less spot on. In terms of the CASS comment, can you elaborate more on what you mean by that? I think they were just trying to highlight the fact salary sorter goes hand in hand with making Monzo your ‘primary account’, hence why it was mentioned there.