Introduce yourself šŸ‘‹

Congrats on the job :partying_face:

Thankyou :raised_hands:

Congratulations on the job, and welcome

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Thanks a lot! Canā€™t wait to start :tada:



Feel free to reach out for a natter anytime! And if you donā€™t I will find you and bother you anyways :hot_coral_heart:

Welcome to the team :rocket:

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Haha thanks @rosheenfrommonzo! Canā€™t wait to start and get to know everyone!

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Welcome back to the community and many congratulations on the new job at :mondo:!

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Thanks a lot! Without sounding too cringe Monzo has been a dream job for me for a few years now so Iā€™m glad to have that come true!! :tada:


Hello all. My name is Dorian Liriano and I am a a husband, a father and most recently ā†’ Project Coordinator (just started new role last Monday!) Iā€™m originally from NY now in ATL working for an airline. I have a background in IT and I love tech. I love gadgets, tech toys and testing software. I love to spend time with my family, read up on personal development and exercise (strength training). I have a fascination with leadership.

Like many folks recently popping up, I too come from the world of Simple. Iā€™ve been with Simple since 2016 (or 2014), where I migrated from HSBC. It was a big move since I was convinced I needed a physical establishment for banking purposes. I trusted Simple and they earned my trust. Now Iā€™m between testing Monzo (thank you for the invite!), Fidelity CMA, One and SoFi. I hear great things about Monzo so Iā€™m looking forward to:

  1. Being part of this community
  2. Providing some valuable insights
  3. Making Monzo my main bank!

FWIW, the fact that Monzo has a community already sets it apart from the other banks Iā€™m testing. Its a great start. Here we go folks, on this journey together. :rocket:


Hi, Iā€™ve been with Monzo a good couple of years. I just broke off to know for sure and itā€™s a couple more than I thought! Pretty much still unknown when I joined, it was great fun to produce the ā€˜coral cardā€™ for payment. Without fail it would cause whispers, gasps, compliments or, from the brave, questions on how to acquire one. Iā€™m happy to see many more Coral Cards around nowadays.

Iā€™ve been treated well on the couple of occasions I had to interact with the Monzonians via the ā€˜live translation appā€™. I truly admire and support Monzoā€™s App icons for cultural & social variety and wonder when more will be available.

Until this evening the only negative feeling I had about Monzo was that for ages EVERY SINGLE BL@@DY TIME I logged on you were desperate to get into my address book. I began to feel like a Plain Jane with an unscrupulous Suitor hoodwinking me for my Society connections.

I was disappointed earlier on reading your statement about giving data to Facebook so I opened a bottle of wine and settled down to read the entire blurb for once. On reflection, itā€™s a fact of life that in order to succeed in business nowadays an entity must have dealings with WhatsAppā€™s communications, Facebookā€™s advertising and Googleā€™s Analytics. The fact theyā€™re each a side of the same multi-faceted smother blanket has lost its shockability.

My missions before bed tonight are to (damn well) get the ringtone Iā€™ve created saved and operational AND to find the toggle for DARK MODE in the Monzo App. The way things are going I may still be wondering around here at breakfast time.

Keep safe and well everyone,

Hi Edward & welcome :wave:

There are a few people here constantly watching for the Dark Mode feature to be activated. Itā€™s already been discovered in the :android: app teardowns but weā€™re needing :monzo: to switch it on on their side.

Iā€™ve just checked again and DM isnā€™t active, Iā€™ll have some breakfast too and check againā€¦

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Iā€™m Dave Iā€™ve been with Monzo for two years this year and I really cannot wait to leave your bank, which I will be doing once the chargeback for fraud that Iā€™ve been fobbed off with has been dealt with. Your customer service is non existent. You are the ultimate case of all style and no substance. I now have a basic account with Santander and receive a far better more personal service than I ever received from you.


Hi Dave & welcome :wave:

Sorry youā€™re already planning to leave :cry:


Certainly beats all that crap about cats and pineapple on pizzaā€¦ for impact at least :rofl:


Hello everyone! :wave: My name is Laurence, I work in the armed forces as an infrastructure engineer but looking to change career paths to software engineering. Currently learning python as I would like to go the DevOps route and heard that python is a good place to start.

I plan to start building a portfolio of little projects over the next few months and thought that working on something using the monzo API would be something fun to sink my teeth into :smiley:


Well utterly peeved off with this bank at the moment I do have a cat called Harvey whoā€™s 11 though


Hi and welcome,

Is that tech infrastructure, if so Iā€™m curious as to why the change ?

Evening Kolok,
Thanks for the welcome šŸ™‹

Yes it is, my actual role I suppose would be windows server administrator if I was going to be more specific, but we do quite a lot as part of our team.

The desire to change is mainly based on my interests in the software engineering environment, the idea of building and creating/fixing things is really exciting to me. And while I do have fun in my current job, I canā€™t see myself doing it forever.

I have dabbled in front end dev stuff like html and css, now looking at some back end stuff just so I can get the bigger picture!

What do you do?

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Posted this a while back. Iā€™m now back on a new account using my email. :monzo:

Today was my first day working for Monzo, and I can say with :100:% certainty that Monzo is a fantastic place to work! Iā€™ve been made so welcome by everyone and I canā€™t wait to embark on my Monzo journey!! :rocket:

If thereā€™s any Monzonauts reading this feel free to reach out to me on Slack Iā€™d love to get to know you all!


You need a Monzo flair

@AlanDoe can hopefully sort that out for you