I cleared the item on my feed saying how much interest a particular pot earnt in October, but now I need that figure again. Is there anyway to find out? I don’t want the total interest the pot has earnt since it’s creation several months ago.
EDIT: it’s not important enough to bother COps about.
Thanks. I thought that might be the case, I just wondered if there was a clever workaround relating to a recently-cleared feed item. Totally agree re: pots needing a feed/statement/transaction history!
When I go ino the pot itself you can see interest earned. However there is another screen that shows all interest earned across all pots. The only way I seem to be able to access that on Android is to go back through the feed to a previous notification when I was a Plustomer and access it from there.
I wouldn’t want them to remain on the main (current account) transaction list. I want a transaction list for each pot which includes interest payments.
That’s part way there but not a full transaction list in the traditional sense (single chronological list of transactions). Also, doesn’t include interest payments.