In-app Bank Statements

Statements seem to be incomplete. They only go back to the point of the current account launch and omit the other data in the feed going back to when the account opened. Please can you include all transactions plus all the missing detail from the feed. Thanks

There are some transactions on mine that are showing as pending back as far as October - looking in the app it doesn’t seem like they actually are pending…

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Another point. The summary at the top and the transaction list omits an opening balance. Unless the statement states the opening position you can’t reconcile the current balance based on opening balance plus income less payments.
At present statements seem to be very much in alpha.
An update on what the route map is before statements are ready to launch would be welcome please.



Thanks for the feedback so far, everyone! Here’s what we’re doing with it :slightly_smiling_face:

These will now show up as Cash Withdrawal

We’ll consider this :slightly_smiling_face:

Previously I’d said this was coming to statements. But it may stay as is, due to regulations about preserving transaction information.

This should now be fixed. Let us know if not!

This would break the rules around privacy. You’d be able to send money to any number and get their full name. (It works the other way around because in that case you’re implicitly opting into letting the other person know who you are).

Correct. We’re getting this fixed.


Agreed! We’ll look into it.

We’ll investigate. It absolutely sounds possible.

Again, agreed. We’ll look into options.

We’ll look into this.

We want to protect user privacy as to what they’re using Pots for. So this is deliberately not named on your statement.

Again, deliberately not included to preserve the integrity of what shows up on your statement.

Any errors that appeared with this gold banner should now be fixed. If you get one alone the lines of “Failed to generate statement. please contact us” then… please contact us! :slightly_smiling_face:

We’ve actually thought about this. Look out for this changing to “Transfer to Savings Pot” (or similar).

Great catch! We’ll change to “as of…”

Fixed! Your statement should show up to the present day, not the future.

Coming soon. (Or you can get in touch with us now for a custom date-range statement).

Hopefully we can fix this in the future.

We probably won’t be doing this.

We’ll see what we can do about this.

Maybe some day! (Could be a neat API integration).

Looking into this.

IBANs aren’t currently supported. But it’s on our roadmap :slightly_smiling_face:

This sounds like an issue with these particular payments. Let us know via the in-app chat and we’ll investigate.

That’s it for now, keep the feedback coming! :mega:


Obviously said with an American twang :slight_smile:


Haha, oops! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Thanks for the info :+1:

I still get a “statement generation failed: please contact customer support”
I let customer support know about a week ago and they said they’ll pass it on. Is it worth contacting them again or is this issue already being looked at?

Yes, please try contacting us again now.


Spotted this on the ‘Community in App’ thread.


How far away is something like this? I like the look of the ability to quickly download a past month statement without having to first manually search in the feed.

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If you go to the spending tab you can scroll a month at a time. Not as easy as having a list on one page but better that searching the feed :wink:


Aha so you can! I don’t know how I didn’t notice that :upside_down_face:

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I just viewed my full statement going back to when I got the CA and notice there are loads of old payments still marked as “(pending)”. A few iTunes, some NowTV. I suspect they’re all activation checks that have since been returned to me, but should they still have pending showing next to them?


I have a couple of these from December (possibly more further back, these are just two that I noticed). It’s an iTunes card check of £1·00, then refund of £1·00. On my statement, both show as “Pending”, in the app, only one of them still shows as “Pending”. I messaged support a couple of weeks ago, and was told it “looks like this may be a display error”. I said it wasn’t urgent, so they said they’d look into it at some point. Seems I still have the “display error” though, and sounds like you do to. Might be worth messaging support and seeing what they say. Would be good to get these sorted.

I have loads of those going back a long long time

Edit: I would think neither should be visible on my statement since what it actually means is the authorisations have expired

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I had this yesterday and spoke to support, they said it’s something to do with the way apple process the payments and unfortunately can’t be changed. But as long as you’ve been refunded it’s ok.


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I just had a chat with support about those pending payments, got the same thing. I personally think they’re transactions that aren’t ever claimed back, but are still refunded and Monzo doesn’t behave correctly with them.


Another thing to consider is regarding the refund transaction appearing as deposit.
A charge made in 1 transaction and then refunded in another transaction -> net=0, but I think it is incorrect to mark this as deposit.

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@simonb, do you know if there are plans to address the incorrect page size of in-app statements. I thought it had been sorted, but when I went to export my statements today, they are still US Letter. I need to archive my statements and will hold off if a fix is on the way. :pray:


Just to tie threads together, I thought it would be worth linking to Names on the Current Account as there’s several mentions of statements in there (including one myself due to the forced inclusion of my middle name that I’d rather not have there).

The statement pdf name is set to the date and time the statement was downloaded which seems irrational to me, I want it to be the month of the statement, preferably in ISO date format so it lists correctly by date.

Starling get it right in that the statement name is the month of the statement but wrong in two ways: they force you to enter your password for every month you want to download (tedious as hell) and the name format doesn’t work to list the statements by date.