I am abroad, have tried to use my card, won’t accept my PIN.
I have followed the ID verification process, taking pics of both passport & driver license, & the selfy video. It won’t accept!
Have tried multiple times, & have tried the help link on my phone.
No result, no reply - nada.
I need this to work, & fast. Help please
Hi @PaulMaberly, welcome to the community!
I’m really sorry you’re having trouble with your PIN. Are you getting any errors when you try to submit your ID and video at all?
Unfortunately there isn’t anything we can do on the forum to speed this along, but if you pop us a message using the in app chat (if you haven’t already), we should be able to take a look into what’s going on here
I’m not sure what the chat queues are like at the moment, but if they are quite long and you’re still waiting, you can also give us a ring on 0800 802 1281 Hopefully the team can get this resolved for you quickly and you can continue enjoying your holiday
the guys on the help desk are great - Eric, Mr Calm.
i think it may be a wifi issue, so if there’s anyone else reading this, turn off the wifi & try with data only. worked for me.
also deleted & reloaded the app.
worked in the end, tho it took a good few goes.
That’s great to hear!
I’ve marked that as a solution for this topic
Enjoy the rest of your time abroad!