When I try to create an account it’s required personal details first then i try to type my date of birth it’s something wired like ggggggg
Please refer the screenshot
Are your phone locale/language settings in English/UK? I’d suggest setting them to that for the sign-up process.
Hi. Welcome.
Are you using an English keyboard? No translation app or anything in the way?
Tagging you incase its an app error, caused by an update?
All the other times it’s been language related.
Looks like an English keyboard layout to me
Could also be that the phone is set to use a non-Gregorian calendar in Settings > General > Language & Region > Calendar, given that I think it’s asking for an Era (the GGGGG pattern).
Everyone should brush up on their Date Format Patterns.
Or Locale on the phone - but yea, one or the other. 100%. Not app update related.
Thank you so much
It’s working
We have enough with American’s putting the date the wrong way around!