How can one agree to the new T&C's?

How can one agree to the new T&C’s so one can get a current account? I’m keen as mustard to sign up for one and get what I know will be a damned good current account!

I’ve been so pleased with my Monzo pre-pay Mastercard, but a real debit card and a current account would be just the nuts. Just for running my slush fund, you understand, nothing dodgy!:sunglasses::joy::wink:

The current accounts have to launch / be about to launch first :slight_smile:

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Once Monzo are ready for you, you’ll be invited to view the T’s & C’s and the sign up.

Any rough timescale? 6 months? 1 year?

Monzo has got some great features but the limitations on pre-pay and lack of apple pay is a real downer at the moment!

None as yet as they still haven’t decided themselves how it’s going to work. It all depends how the first 100 users get on ultimately.

Expect a further blog post with more detsils :soon:

Here is the latest blog post with all the information we currently have…

Monzo seem confident that it’ll be this year -

You can see all (hopefully) of the details about the current accounts that we have so far here -

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