Monzo are in process of offering Current Accounts to everyone on Prepaid and aim to complete this process by end of this month. New users downloading Monzo App and Signing up are held in a queue for Current Account.
No more prepaid cards. New Signups will be able to get Monzo Account hopefully next month.
Thats not how I read that post about … It will continue to work for previous customers who had pre-pay but new account holders it will not. Nothing in the post said that it will be resolved and working by the end of the year.
Wonder if Android will get stuff like pots before it gets the graph and other basic stuff the iOS app has, like in-app reporting of merchant info and direct debit info (other than just a list) - and overdrafts.
Would be also to check with small value to yourself. I am (note the added 1 as someone got there before me with my name!)