How are you using your card?

@integralist Hi Mark :slightly_smiling_face: so as @alexs mentioned we have no plans to offer a credit card once we launch current accounts. Mastercard Chargeback Protection is applied to our pre-paid card scheme and will also be the case for Monzo debit cards.

Chargeback protection covers claims for things like broken goods, failed delivery or payments to a company that has gone bust, similar to Section 75 for Credit Cards. The main differences being that Chargeback Protection covers any payments over £10 rather than £100, and the claim must be lodged within 120 days of purchase or payment for service. There’s an interesting article with some more detail in MasterCard Chargeback Protection here It is worth quoting something mentioned which is important to consider

"chargeback is closer to the purchase or delivery protection policies offered by credit card providers than it is to consumer protection under law."

Hope this helps!