Hotels and ID?!


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What if you don’t have a passport or driving licence? Both of mine hit renewal dates at around the same time so potentially for several months I wouldn’t have either.

As it happens I have come across one place that I’m booked into but which I can’t do the online check-in as they’re looking for a passport that I won’t have when I’m staying with them.

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Have you booked it by the hour?


No, I just know that I won’t have It then as it will have expired.



I have had it internationally, but not in the UK

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Just don’t trash the place and you’ll be okay!



Only place we were asked for a passport on a tour we did starting from France, into Germany, Switzerland and then Italy was from a hotel run by a British in Italy. And, no, we didn’t have any passports with us.

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“Sweet”…. Weird more like :joy:

You really do like to ensure that we know everything about your working and personal lives, don’t you…


Pretty normal in both hotels and short lets. Lots of owners want to know who is staying. People can also be particularly suspicious of people who are local to the area, because they are the most likely to have parties etc and want to extra peace of mind


Very normal to be asked for ID these days.

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I have Prodigy tracks in my head as I watch this gif


You don’t know the first thing about either.

I’m with you. Just odd, never had it myself until I am booking in with a non British national

It’s pretty standard in Greece, basically mandatory in Spain, and Italy takes it even more seriously, but first I have heard of that in the UK

Just as well David Davis killed off the idea of a standard ID card for the UK, so we’ll bobble by with an odd mixture of gas bills and driving licences


I’ve never experienced it, but I have heard of it happening here. Most (all?) hotels have an over 18 policy, so maybe some of them enforce it by asking for ID (perhaps just for those who don’t pay by credit card).

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Is this a chain hotel or an independent one? I’ve had it a couple of times at hotels in the UK but it’s rare as a UK citizen. Generally abroad hotels have to register foreign nationals which is why you provide ID.

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They want to ensure that Mr & Mrs Smith don’t check in.