I have two accounts and closed one as this was connected to my student house with other flatmates. on closing the account it has now locked me out of my personal monzo account, how do i get back access to my personal monzo account?
By 2 accounts do you mean a personal and a joint account?
How are you locked out, what message are you seeing?
yes personal and joint. when i try to log in it says mobile already in use and then cant go anywhere else
I’d it’s talking about mobile number then you’re using the wrong email address, it’s put you in the create new account sign up flow
Try again making sure it’s the email address registered to your account
my old email address is an old school email and i dont have access to this. is there anyone i can speak to at monzo to get this resolved?
Yes email help@monzo.com
Might take a while for reply as support is focused on the in app chat
can i get a response on the app chat?
If you log in
Which you can’t do as you don’t have access to your email
when you day log in do you mean on a browser of the app?
No, I mean the app on your phone which you’re trying to log into
Never EVER do this!
ONLY ever open a joint account with a partner/spouse, it can have serious ramifications.