Closed Joint Account, Can’t Access Personal

Hi, as the subject says, I have closed my Joint Account with my ex-partner. Now, when opening the app, it looks as though the joint account was my only account and I cannot select my Personal Account. I have tried the help chat but have not had a response in nearly 24 hours so I thought I’d ask in here

I suspect there won’t be many - if any - people here who have gone through the same process.

The ‘Delete Account’ function appears to be the same for Joint and Personal Account. Because most of my Personal account setting are linked to my Joint Account, I also suspect deleting any ‘account’ deletes ‘you’ rather than just the intended Joint or Personal Account.

One I’m not willing to try :warning: and one for Monzo to confirm & resolve unfortunately - I hope it gets sorted quickly for you.

Might this be because the app tries to open on the account you were last on? If you clear the data or reinstall the app and relogin it might put you on your personal by default

A reinstall would probably be your best option,

Try email , if you’re chatting from the joint account that’s officially closed , your messages might not be getting through.

Thanks David