Has anyone seen this Facebook advert?

Seen this a couple times while scrolling through Facebook, most likely isn’t a monzo ad and he’s clearly wanting his £5 referral.


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There’s been similar on Google ads. It’s people making the assessment that the cost of the advert will be less than the income they get from referrals.

I’ll leave Monzo to respond to this, but I think that given this probably isn’t illegal and that it’s offering Monzo free advertising then I guess that they won’t do anything about it. Especially given the effort involved and that there are probably 100s of these people. Indeed, playing devil’s advocate, isn’t this doing what Monzo want - driving brand awareness and sign ups?

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Would be funny if Monzo withdrew the offer and then the guy had to pay folk their fiver himself.


Somebody’s even set up a whole page to do this now

I have let someone at monzo know. The Facebook page will be shut down don’t worry.
The page is actually trying to be the official monzo Facebook…

Seems incredibly foolish. Impersonating the brand and then leaving a link which allows them to identify your account along with all your legal details.

Hopefully Monzo are able to disable the referral system to those who abuse it.

The unofficial Facebook ads, Google ads and even the referral links in Trust Pilot reviews really devalues the brand. At least in my eyes. :confused:

Especially when they’re really poorly written (grammar/spelling), pretending to be official third parties offering the incentive and forcing links in review sites like: https://@@ monzo.com/ @@ /refer=ggxGc5 --> Remove :clap: the :clap: @@ :clap:and :clap:we :clap: both get £5!!


:thinking: The website promotes a thinkmoney account for £10p/m. Monzo is nowhere to be seen…


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