Another day, another scam email attempt. I must say this is one of the better attempts I’ve seen at replicating a website to harvest details.
The email itself on the other hand is a bit of a failure. Pretty awful as well preying on people who may have received covid payments from gov over last year, can see some people maybe believing this.
no I didn’t go any further or give any details, this is just a heads up
I have one of these via the phone about a month ago. I was having a quiet 5 minutes so I pressed 1 to talk to someone to see what lies they would spin and how I could mess with them. Then my work phone rang, so I hung up.
Obviously by pressing to connect, I’d gone into “This person believes us” pile and I must have got 30 more calls since then
As an aside, is likely one of the easier websites to replicate, as the Government Design System toolkit is open source, and available for anyone to use. They’re likely using genuine components.