Golden Tickets Are Back! šŸŽ«


Waiting for the angry ā€œiOS onlyā€ post :wink:


Spotted mine in-app today.

The thread where new customers could get spare tickets has been closed. Will you open another thread?

Spotted mine today, although it says Iā€™ll get a new one when the previous one I sent (months ago) gets accepted and the user signs up.

Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re not going to, is it possible to reset this?

Thanks :yum:

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Mine says after I have used the account a few weeks. So since August doesnā€™t count :man_shrugging:t2::laughing:


and not an investor , even though youā€™ve tried a few times :slight_smile:


Grrr why is this another iOS only feature? We still donā€™t have budgets. Android app hasnā€™t updated since the 20th Dec on the ā€˜Betaā€™ channel!

Something something about app parity getting further and further apartā€¦

Howā€™s that? Although, we got our badges first :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

its not apparently -

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Iā€™m not actually bothered either way about golden tickets.

Iā€™m curious as to what is/has been worked on recently and whatā€™s coming soon for iOS and Android. There was another thread somewhere talking about how itā€™s all gone a bit quiet and ā€˜less transparentā€™, apparently we should be getting an update about everything ā€˜soonā€™?


True. Good effort sir, good effort! :wink:

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I just sent mine to a friend and it said that itā€™s already been usedā€¦?

I havenā€™t sent it to anyone else.

We just posted it. Check it out here.

Iā€™ve already read it! Thanks :smiley:

Looking forward to the year ahead!

Where do they appear? Iā€™ve got nothing on android. Just logged back in to my iPad (havenā€™t used it for ages) and the ticket is right there, still nothing on android. I have the latest beta app too.

Mine on android came after having a new transaction item.

Same issue for me. Would like to reset it.

Do we only have one Golden Ticket each?

You get one at a time but youā€™ll keep getting them once youā€™ve used yours :slight_smile:

Also, just got my first CA ticket on android :grinning::grinning::grinning:


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