Funds missing after top up

Stuart is now dealing with this directly with the customer, and so I’ll be closing this thread - but just to add in another 2 cents - when I looked at the specific transaction in question when writing my reply last night, I checked the back-end data and it appeared we had some of the data such as the amount and vendor, but not all of it. (there’s over a dozen bits of information, mostly various numbers that relate to different things). I also wasn’t able to force resync the information to the feed, which we’re usually able to do.

This suggests that TfL can sometimes send the information in stages, and that in this case the information that we use to reflect the balance arrived before the information that displayed the feed items. I’ve personally never encountered this before, and engineering are definitely aware of all the strange variables that can happen with TfL, but not necessarily every single bug that could potentially happen due to the way TfL process. It’s something that we’ll be able to do a lot more work on once the current accounts launch.

As a Beta product, we need our community support to help diagnose these sorts of things and fix them, and the vast majority of community members have been more than reasonable in helping us with this. You guys are truly fantastic and we’re lucky to have such a fantastic community who believe in what we are trying to achieve.

I think the take-away from this is perhaps that we could make it more clear that we are in Beta and what that means, and that if you find a bug then it’d be great if we can all work together to fix it. I mean - we expect there to be bugs and we’re looking for them too! :slight_smile: