Monzo won’t pay extra to process the payment if you use Google/apple pay over your regular card.
Support have told me to uninstall and reinstall the app to try fix this.
After alot more confusion I got this
Yes I don’t think it’s a bug. I think there’s some sort of update that will happen in the future. Right now, I have no more information. Please keep checking the blog for updates on it!
It was a quick reply so i don’t think she actually knew what she was on about.
They told me the same. They seem to think we mean putting Monzo on Apple Pay.
Does Monzo reply to this?
What’s great is often the actual Devs read threads and reply with info you wouldn’t get anywhere else but that’s usually on feedback threads to new products.
Hopefully one of the staff will read this and get a proper answer.
But I can’t think which staff to tag who would know best.
If in doubt, ask @simonb since he puts in so much time on the forum (and is awesome)
Ah ok, wasn’t sure how nice it was to drive staff mad with wanting to know some info.
I mean… its a feature that’s disappeared - staff should tell us if its going to be removed lol
Any update on this? Removing Google and Apple Pay from really does cripple it from a usability standpoint.
Was this intentional?
Yeah Ive had grumpy feedback from people having to enter it all manually. I think its short sighted as friends before were impressed at how easy it was and enquired more about what Monzo is all about.
The options seem to be either make them get a monzo account so you can do it the monzo way, or switch to starling or an epayment type service that does offer Apple/google pay.
It is a shame that there’s been no official response yet to say this feature is dead or just a screwup.
Apple and google pay links are no longer on my Monzo me link when I request money. Have monzo dropped this feature?
They seem to have silently dropped it, I don’t think anyone has responded to anyone’s questions on this here.
I asked and got this response
We were aware of some issues with the Google/Apple Pay flows
So it’s temporarily disabled until we figure out how to fix it
Unfortunately we don’t have a solid timeframe for this.
Ah nice. It’s gone then. Who screws up Apple Pay
We disabled the apple and google pay integrations on last month. This is because we had to upgrade the version of the Stripe integration that powers it, in order to be compliant with the new Strong Customer Authentication regulations. The Stripe update requires more work on our side to make Apple and Google pay compatible with it again.
The team that owns (the one I work on ) is currently laser-focused on shipping our in-house Faster Payments gateway - to replace an unreliable third party. The only slot Faster Payments themselves have available in their release schedule is in early November. It was a tough prioritisation call to make, but we can’t afford to distract ourselves with other work until it is complete.
Hmm… I’m re-reading that blog post, and I’m wondering… was it possible (mathematically) for a very unlucky person to have their payment not go through for a long time, as despite the chances, pretty much every request was corrupted? I mean, they would have to have been very unlucky, but it was technically possible?
Which leaves me to add, do you have a record of how long the longest transaction took to finally go through? I’m curious.
Thanks for the explanation Nick
Tough call to make, but feels the correct one
I remember calculating this at the time, when we were asking ourselves how you’d feel if given the advice “just keep trying and it’ll eventually work”… not great to hear when you’re worried about your payment.
With a 25% failure rate if you re-try 4 times you have a 99% chance of succeeding – ((0.25^4)*100) = 0.39% failure rate. As we re-try outbound payments automatically ad infinitum every 30 seconds this meant that all outbound payments completed within a few minutes.
For inbound, it’s complicated. The sending bank might just give up and not send the payment on getting a declined response. In that case, it’d be up to the sender to send it again. Some banks automatically re-send as an asynchronous payment for this kind of decline, meaning it’ll get queued in the middle and re-tried infinitely, in which case it would have come through shortly after recovery (you can see a graph of this towards the end of that post).
But, not a non-zero chance of all retries failing
But yeah, a realistic impossibility of every request out of possibly hundreds failing. Unless something happened to the fabric of existence, anyway.
Maths is fun.