Emergency! Stolen iPhone and alpha card


My iPhone and purse which contained my alpha mondo card were stolen on the train this morning. I’m trying to not freak out. Is there a way to block my mondo card now because I can’t block it from my stolen iPhone.

Is there any number I can call?

Plus is it possible to have a replacement?

Uh oh. Hope you get this sorted!

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Call 0800 8021 456 for customer support. The number is printer on the back of all of the cards (obviously you don’t have yours now) but good to save for other people.

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Thank you very much. I ended up tweeting it for an immediate response and Jonas blocked my Mondo card. Thank you again Jonas :slight_smile:

I got worried that the thief might use the last digits of my Natwest card which the Mondo account was linked to…so I had Natwest block that card too.

Hopefully this doesn’t happen to anyone else in the Mondo community!

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Thanks all, glad to see the community helping each other out :slight_smile:

We’ll eventually provide emergency services on our website, too, so you can log in, block your card and contact support in case you’ve lost your phone and your card. :soon:

Cheers, Jonas