Email response

I transferred money from Monzo to Halifax and Halifax have suspended my account until Monzo can reply to the email which is urgent but no reply as of yet and need my money and account unsuspended on Halifax this is a joke honestly been online chat and not a pick of help at all

I’m confused, Halifax have emailed Monzo, or you’ve emailed Monzo on behalf of Halifax?

If Halifax need stuff from Monzo, they’ll contact Monzo directly… surely?

Halifax has emailed Monzo in relation to a payment being transferred now Halifax has blocked my account until Monzo replied to Halifax’s email to make sure it’s not a fraud

Hi and welcome!

Halifax are your point of contact for this issue. It is them you need to contact to chase it up, and in turn it is their job to then chase it with Monzo if necessary.

Did Halifax offer you a timeframe?

I don’t think contacting Monzo will get you anywhere unfortunately and I don’t think they can help.

Make sure you tell the full truthful story when they ask. None of this makes sense.

Banks emailing each other to ask if a customer is fraudulent?

Are you sure you haven’t fallen for a scam?