Email link opens browser, not Monzo app

I had to install a custom rom on my Google Pixel phone due to an update that wrecked the battery. I’m now using Calyxos. After installing the Monzo app and my Tutanota email app, the link sent to my email opened in Chrome browser, rather than initializing the Monzo app. I’m stuck now without access to Monzo on my phone.

Why is an email link the only option to open the app? One ought to be able to use a passcode or fingerprint.

Anyhow I’d be grateful for someone to show me a fix.

Email is the way Monzo verify you for your login.

Your only solution is to fix your phone bodge.

I can’t believe they never tested that in-house…

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Hello fellow Pixel 4a owner! :wave:

Google (hardware) is now on my boycott list.

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If you go into Settings->Apps->Monzo->Open by Default is “In the App” selected and when you click “… verified links” does and appear (at a minimum)?

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No, but I did just that and problem solved. Thank you Richy

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