EC1V 2NX postcode is not accepting in Monzo Android mobile app


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EC1V 2NX postcode is not accepting in Monzo Android mobile app

It’s probably because Royal Mail dont have it as a residential address? Im sure someone can explain if this is significant or not?

I checked in Royal mail this post code is already there and showing in search.

Try without the space,

If not click the help in the top right and you should be able to chat.

Or email , but replies are slow via email

Also is there any residential properties at that postcode?

There’s a “My address is not in this list” option right at the bottom of your screenshot.


Maybe remove the space

Becareful posting your postcode imo

Is that a business address? That might be why, it has to be a residence address and not just temporary residence permanent residence so I’m unsure if the student accommodation will be accepted I’m not sure

The EC1V 2NX postcode produces only one address which clearly states it is an office within a wider office building. Banks cannot accept business or PO Box addresses for personal bank accounts.

If you think that this is a mistake (as in the office has been converted or you are trying to add it to a business account), then you need to contact Monzo and/or Royal Mail in order to confirm that your address will be added to the Post Code directory.