Hurrah! My lovely wife made it to the front of the queue and now has a shiny :mondo: card! We’re an old skool couple with joint finances. To keep our budget up to date I have to steal her phone which is less than ideal.
Happy to struggle on during the beta, but some linking would be amazing. Once you’re a full bank, we will only want one account.
I’m sure clever things can be done with the API, but I’m not sufficiently techy to work that out!
Brining it ip again it because it’s not currently on the roadmap . I know joint finances are old skool, but surely not too much of an edge case
I think there may be an opportunity to do things a little bit different to a standard joint account:
A normal scenario would be that both partners have some kind of income and each have a (Mondo) bank account. A separate joint account seems like an unnecessary overhead - essentially we are talking about bill splitting here.
Im sure it would be possible to create a virtual joint account, with an account number and sort code for recurring bills (such a council tax, electricity etc.), the users could agree a percentage split for each item or for all (50% each, or as a ratio of their respective incomes ). This would then be charged to the respective Mondo account. e.g. “Rent (50%) £400” appears on both partners accounts.
To save the planet and reduce duplicate plastic, any debit card transactions that a couple agree to share could be completed on either card and then split on the app.
It seems we’re older skool than I thought. We don’t have separate accounts, all the money goes into the joint account and can be spent by either of us. At the moment only one of us is working, but we did it the same when we were both working too.
I’m in total agreement with this and sit in the middle in terms of usage . We both have our own accounts and throw money in to a bills account. I’d love this to be the Mondo account and was disappointed not to see it on the road map. I can easily keep track of my own personal spend… it’s the little bits here and there for food, petrol, clothes and miscellaneous bits that I lose track of…can’t be too hard to associate a card with two phones surely?
…all this said… the idea of virtual accounts or ‘pots’ is a much more efficient idea and has the ability to go much further than joint accounts… but id imagine is also a big development for the guys at Mondo.
I think that sometimes we forget that joint accounts are more than just a convenient way of sharing ownership over a pot of money - for some people they are an expression of commitment (like the next step after moving in together) and for some it is part of the necessary bureaucracies of migration controls (having a joint account is admissible evidence when trying to show the border agency case officer that the marriage was not just a fake arrangement and you actually have a real relationship with the other person)… However, sometimes the reason is just that one wants to share an account with someone else - and perhaps that should be reason enough…
I’m really keen for some way of keeping track of split expenses… or having a joint mondo account… or anything like this.
Currently I use splitwise with my girlfriend… but it can make the tracking of expenses with mondo not that useful, as some things I’m owed half the money for… and others aren’t captured on mondo but I owe half of that.
I would also like to throw my support behind this as a feature. I have a joint bank account with my wife and being able to share a joint Mondo account with a card is an essential feature for us to switch completely to Mondo once you become a fully fledged bank.
A +1 from me. I think the ability to have a joint account and a seperately account is frankly vital in the modern world. Not only for spouses but, for example, my sister and her 3 house mates have one joint account for bills that they all pay into. I think, personally, mondo would miss out on a huge opportunity if it can’t cater for students doing this as well as traditional couples with joint finances.
We have a hybrid of joint finances. We have a joint bills, food and a joint savings account: we then have personal savings and a personal current account each for our own spending.
I’ve just applied for a Mondo card and I’m pretty excited by it all, but the development of joint cards will be pretty essential for me when it comes to whether or not I use Mondo long term. The biggest issue we have is tracking food spend (and not spending ridiculous amounts) and currently use an app, but a joint Mondo would make it so much easier.
I’d also like a mondo-like solution for Joint accounts.
The best idea I’ve had so far is a single mondo account that can be split into any number of virtual accounts. Then each person gets a card that defaults to one of those accounts.
Since it’s just one bank account under the hood you can do things like move transactions between accounts (or split them) rather than funding an account so that the transaction is covered.
We have seperate accounts but mine is in joint names for two reasons.
If I suddenly die and have most of the money (as I have the higher income at the moment) then the joint account allows to bills to carry on being paid and my wife to get at what money is left over (not much).
I’ve been caught twice by a cheque (from a bank) made out in joint names that our individual accounts simply refused to accept. The last was for £800 although it was a while ago now.
I think I’d need convincing that a single user account was the way to go in the future before I’d be prepared to fully migrate my banking.
Me and my wife currently have joint accounts and would love to have this feature. I do all our banking and budgeting so having a joint account makes it far easier. All our money currently goes in and out of the same point and I would love to continue doing that with Mondo. It may even be the deal breaker for me switching.
Two cards, one account: With Simple Shared, you’re two players on one team: You’re still your own people, with your own accounts, but with shared saving, spending, and features like Safe-to-Spend and Goals, your financial life becomes a collaboration.
I know this is a way off yet for Monzo team, but always interesting to see how others are tackling the challenge / opportunity
Yes, I am also keen to see a Joint account with two cards that link to it. Sooner the better really as I would like to track total family expenditure. The monzo card is far less useful for family tracking if its just for one person.
Bill Splitting is a smarter and more modern approach to the traditional joint account. According to the Trello roadmap, we can expect to see it within the next 3 months, although I expect it’ll be at sooner rather than later end of that period.
Sounds like a great idea, I have just recieved my card, my fiancée wasn’t too bothered but I thought it was a great idea for simple stuff like food shopping.
So I think something like this could be great, or like the option to assign part of the moey to different things, I.e if you had 100 pounds on the card but assign 50 for food shopping you can only spend the other 50
Which is due in the next 6-9 months, according to the roadmap.
Although we don’t know how strict the saving function will be yet, my guess is it won’t be strict at all & you’ll still have easy access to these funds. Stopping spending over a certain amount has been discussed here but as Jack mentions in that thread, it doesn’t seem practical.