Details for Pot withdrawals shown in Withdrawals section

When looking in the Withdrawals section of a pot I use for household bills direct debits, it would be nice to be able to see what the withdrawals were actually for in one place. Because of how the pots work for paying bills by direct debit (where Monzo moves to the Personal account the exact amount needed for the direct debit) they just say ‘Personal Account’. This makes it hard to see what bills are for what - particularly where bills change each month (eg for phone or gas/electric)

See images for examples. Is this just a setting I need to find or could this enhancement be added?

Obviously you can see the actual debit in your main account rather than the pot.

Maybe it would be nice to see a reference in the actual pot next to the transaction in question but perhaps duplicating that information would be a bit confusing - would it look like I had paid my Council Tax twice?

Look at the bill?

I don’t see this changing because there has been talk (for a long time!) about how the money won’t move to your account first so you’ll be able to see exactly what the bill is from the pot.

In the main Personal Account transaction feed you can obviously see the amount and reference for any bill payments, but this will be spread through the month and mixed in with all your other transactions. My thought was that it’s an extension of the convenience of being able to organise a subset of bills to come from one pot, to be able to view that subset of bills from within the pot. You can see the transactions in ‘Withdrawals’ it’s just that there a no reference so the list is somewhat meaningless.

Since Monzo ‘knows’ the link between the pot, that particular DD, the DD payment transaction and the pot move it creates just prior to paying, it could show some kind of reference there - maybe just in that view only (to avoid the duplicate issue @glenmcfar mentions). Analogous to a filter in Excel if that’s helpful for those that use it.

I’m a recent user of this pot functionality having just switched my main account to Monzo (and new poster in this community!), so it’s incredibly useful as is, but sharing additional use cases as it seems like contributing here is the best way to get ideas to the team!

You can actually do this by clicking the pot in question and, under Scheduled Payments, clicking Upcoming.

You’ll see a list of any direct debits or subscriptions from virtual cards connected to that pot.

It’s been mentioned many many many times over the years.

Virtual cards work in the way that direct debits should, in that it doesn’t move to the main account first, it just goes from that pot. So you look in the pot and you see “£10 - RSPCA” etc.

This has been mentioned as something that could/should/would be improved for direct debits from pots but has never materialised. Monzo are well aware!