Desktop version of the Monzo app (full feature Monzo Web)

I’d guess USA was built from the ground up hence it’s easier to add all these flashy things.

For us to do it here, probably commands far too much work :cry:

Well hopefully now the the subject has reimerged, it might catch the eye of someone at Monzo.

Time and money spent on making a web interface that a handful of people will use is not time and money well spent.

The emergency version is just a MVP.

@Carlo1460 I suspect that a web interface will only be used by a handful of people - It will be a money and time resource thing vs a customer base requiring it. We can only hope that we see some of the things the US are getting that we are missing out on. Would be nice to see.

The UK app isn’t even aligned between Android and iOS platforms. As a result, you’ve absolutely zero chance of US and UK being the same.



My apologies, only jumped in mid conversation and makes sense now :melting_face:

I personally don’t care for online web based banking, my iPhone does it all for me through the app in most, if not all banking apps.

I think it’s more a generational thing :eyes:

Sometimes it is so much easier to do what I need from a desktop, but I do bank primarily from my phone.


Still a hugely popular feature voted for by many. Will we ever see this?

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It’s on the roadmap for American customers, so they will at least.

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mm. I wonder how unified (if at all) the codebase is for their American product with UK. Surely from a developer standpoint, resources would be shared for speed and brand parity.

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You’d think so, and that’s certainly the impression I get. The US get a lot of the stuff we get at the same time. But that has a poor track record going in the other direction. There’s a fair number of US specific features at this point, like credit card pots and proper paying merchants from pots.

It’s possible we’ll get web banking too, but I won’t hold my breath.


The credit card pots (which as I understand it automatically track credit card balance and puts money aside automatically) would be an amazing feature to add to Monzo UK and I’m very disappointed that they’ve chosen not to do so, especially given with open banking all the data seems pretty readily available.

It’d be interesting to know why this is - are the two products developed entirely in insolation?


There will (I’d imagine) be shared components and elements but I’d imagine the base of both applications are deliberately separate. The US banking world is completely different to the UK, I can’t imagine a lot of the logic in that respect is shared.

Which might also explain why some features go there and don’t come here.

We didn’t lose hope for Cheque imaging, let’s not lose hope over this too

The credit card posts are a cool idea, in the U.S it takes several days to do a bank to bank transfer, that’s why they have apps for it instead


Fair but these are really totally separate things, Monzo sort of had to do the first one as the processing of cheques via post likely cost them enough to spend the time and effort to bring that in-app.

Whereas this will only cost Monzo in development time, they won’t save any money by having this feature, nor generate any additional revenue. So to evoke @Revels I’m calling this one “Never going to Happen”


Not sure this is true. The bigger Monzo gets, the wider the product offer needs to be to get additional users. There will be people who haven’t opened a Monzo account because it’s app-only. At some point if Monzo wants to continue to challenge the big banks they might decide they need to offer a web app precisely so they can generate more revenue.


On the “I want to see Monzo somewhere that isn’t my phone” I think a tablet version is more likely*

Laptop/PC sales are declining year on year. The majority of banking is now app based and that’s the way the world is going.

*0.00010.% vs 0.00011

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A tablet version of the app would be good but I’m someone who still likes also having a web version of their bank too. Most other banks offer a web banking portal.

Heck, even Monzo do! For business customers, would it really be THAT difficult to adapt it to personal accounts?

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The business web version is pretty basic. There’s loads of things you can’t do on it that are possible on the app. I need a more full-featured web or tablet app.