Desktop version of the Monzo app (full feature Monzo Web)

Nah I wasn’t trying to debate it, I was just interested into why that’s all - I’m one who also voted for a full desktop version as well.

I know they launched as a mobile only but there becomes a point where your target market is going to want something else.

Although unfortunately I don’t think it’s on their radar at the moment so you’d probably need to change bank anyway, then possibly switch back to Monzo somewhere down the line if it’s something they offer long term.

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Out of curiosity, what is it about Monzo that makes you want to continue using it even without a smartphone? In my opinion Monzo’s primary strength has always been the instant nature of transaction information. But this is only really useful if you’re carying a smartphone.

A lot of Monzo’s other strengths (such as categorisation and spending analytics) can be replicated using an over-the-top aggregator (such as money dashboard, which has web access) coupled with a traditional bank.


Dear Monzo,

Now that Money Dashboard has announced they are closing down, I have finally decided to pay for Monzo Plus and do all my money budgeting, categorising and dashboarding in Monzo. Custom categories make my life happy and organised.

I used to do this on a desktop-sized screen and had a workflow with Money Dashboard that was very pleasant. Obviously, now I can no longer do this, as Money Dashboard is shutting down.

I get that for quick personal finance tasks the phone is fine. But with the way Monzo Trends is going with charts and targets, it would be great to see it BIG.

In the UK in 2023 budgeting properly and planning for the long-term is more important than ever!

Serious decisions like choosing what to invest in stocks and shares (which will soon become a common user journey on the Monzo platform with the way things are going) are best done, at least for my generation of millennials, on a laptop or desktop.

Please let’s have a big-screen app. That means desktop web.

Best regards :slight_smile:


Doesn’t the fact that all these hubs/dashboards etc shutdown because they can’t make any money almost prove the point that Monzo shouldn’t push money/time towards something that there just isn’t the interest for?

Obviously Monzo don’t need to make money from it and wouldn’t/couldn’t, but the demand is so so tiny, it doesn’t justify the resource.

Go one better and make your own dashboard!


I doubt it, but I will ask they question anyway - is there any update on this? Might it come? Other than the emergcy access website

It’s coming for US customers.

No idea if it’ll ever ship for us in the U.K. To me, this is one of those things that are just inevitable. Like check imaging and post office deposits.

But at the same time, at this point I fully expect the U.K. team to be all Nah, we don’t want this in the U.K., so let’s not bother. Because that’s about on trend for almost all the cool stuff from the US roadmap.

I want it and I hope so. But it’s not one I’ll hold my breath for.


Isnt Monzo a UK company? Why is it shipping to the US but not the UK. Its not a feature that I will use often, but its nice to have as a feature in work as there are places that phones are not allowed.

@N26throwaway - where did you get the info for the US rollout to out of interest?

Yeah but they offer Monzo in the US too.

Their roadmap for the US is here if you’re interested:


Surely for partity, features like this should be rolled out across the board. Its a shame that Monzo is focusing on making sure the Great British public have their sausage rolls rather than offering useful features.

Is there a UK road map site?


I would hope so, but seeing as we missed out on credit card pots, paying merchants from pots, and proper time zone support, I’m less hopeful that anything built stateside first will ever make their way to this side of the pond.

Although we did eventually get the white joint account card after a couple of years. So maybe someday.

There’s no U.K. public roadmap anymore. :frowning:


Not sure whats going on with Monzo - they appear to be focusing on small insignficant issues and fixing big issues with another issue rather than any meaningful fix.

If they were focussing on small and insignificant then they’d be doing this.


@N26throwaway Do you know when they got rid of the roadmap?

November 8th, 2018:

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Oh crikey. Years ago now. Maybe 5 years ago?

I think it was around the time they were fumbling with trying to create the first versions of the premium accounts.

2 posts :point_up:

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Jeeze fair play @davidwalton @N26throwaway… would be nice to have it back and have transparency on what Monzos priorities are.


They’re a different company since back then - they won’t want to advertise most of the stuff they’re working on, as it’ll be commercially sensitive, and they don’t need to show it - to get people to buy into using Monzo anymore.


I understand that, just strange the US have a road map but not in the UK. The Mozno emergency website is okay, but dont see why they would make this and not just make a fully functional web app.