‘Multi-device’ Monzo

I would like Monzo to run on a large screen.

I am not asking for a web interface. Thats an engineering problem… I would just like to be able to use the large monitor I used 8hrs a day instead of my small iPhone. My iPhone has a screen size of 14cm x 7cm. The text on it is typically about 5-7mm high… This is really handy when I am travelling around.

When I am at my desk. I have a monitor screen that is 55cm x 30 cm. This is not great for travelling around, but it works nicely on my desk where I use Amazon, write documents, and do online banking… except I don’t… I can’t do Monzo transactions online. I need to get my iPhone out… now where are my glasses…

I am a software developer. I would like to use my computer (Mac + Monitor) with Monzo. Making the app properly responsive to different font sizes would be a nice start.

I know… when I was in my 20’s and 30’s as a developer, I didn’t need glasses - as I am sure the Monzo developers are… but just wait till you get to your 50s… and your favourite bank doesn’t let you increase the font size or use a large screen… It’s a bummer…


We do not officially support this but if you’re willing to do some work to make it happen, I’ve personally used the Android app running in the Android SDK emulator using the included Play Store image for testing in the past. :bulb:


Not really workable for me - being IOS - unless Monzo wish to share the app source code and I spin up Xcode… :wink: Like it or not, despite being mobile first, Monzo will need a web interface for most functions, especially if you go after Business banking.

Marzipan may be the solution. That may at least give IOS users the option to run the app on OSX. Trick will be security management and the likes. Thanks for the feedback though. Will see if I can struggle through mobile for the time-being.


It has been mentioned before but I guess it’s not in much demand with the current 1.5 million users?

There’s web.monzo.com for emergencies.

I’m still hoping for an iPad optimised app at some point :pray::pray:
I mostly use my iPad at home and my iPhone out and about.

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Do apps like Vysor work with Monzo?


I’ve tried the free version in trying to screenshot NatWest messages in the app but annoying the secure flag is permanently on so you get a black screen in mirroring when you open the app. I assume if you have screenshot on by disabling ‘Hide Monzo from recent apps’ it’s fine.

Maybe a better title for this feature request was ‘Multi-device’ Monzo.

Many folk use Ipads, Kindles, Laptops, Desktops etc etc. Most of us iPhones or Android smart devices when we are on the go, but when you want to do your tax, or budgeting, or expenses and such things, a bigger screen is simply better.

I challenge any of the Monzo app developers to develop the Monzo systems on just an iPhone. You wouldn’t of course. You probably have 1 or 2 monitors plus your MBP laptop screen. The same applies to doing all of the things I mention above.

By all means Mobile first, but not mobile only.

(Great app by the way… some really neat ideas and implementation).


Fixed it for ya :wink:

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