Deposit for prepaid cards

Hey all Monzo community!

I have today signed up for a prepaid card which I am intending to move all money that’s not ringfenced for bills on a monthly basis to help budget and start to pay down credit cards and overdrafts etc.

I did not realise that you have to top up immediately with 100 pounds. I will not be able to do that until payday next week, What will happen in the meantime will my application be reversed?

Hoping not


nope you will still retain your place at the top of the queue - when you get to your payday just load your card and your Monzo card will be dispatched to you within about two days


Thanks for the speedy reply! looking forward to joining Monzo :slight_smile:


And it’s not actually a deposit - it’s your money to spend as you see fit or withdraw immediately via ATM. :slight_smile:
It costs :monzo: to produce these so it’s one way of weeding out people who aren’t going to do the beta testing for them.


That’s fair! - Fully intent on using as my main spending card … just need the ££££ first :smiley:


This sounds exactly like my first encounter with Monzo, reached the top of the queue but still a week before payday. Pro tip: bribing customer services to send you a card anyway does not work. :joy:


Hehehe just as well as I only have peanuts right now

Okay, as a helpful community we hereby promise you that if you use Monzo, then at the similar amount of days before payday, your amount of peanuts will double. :joy: :crossed_fingers: Welcome to the Monzo Community though! :slight_smile:


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