Skimmed Monzo card

I have just received a text from Monzo about lots of transactions but my card is with me. Has anyone else had this. I replied but haven’t heard back.

Current Account or PrePaid?

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I’d recommend freezing your card, to stop them making anymore transactions.

Your card can be cloned if you had activated the Magstripe ATM Withdrawals feature & used a Magstripe terminal.

Assuming that you kept to the T’s & C’s though, you won’t be liable for those transactions :slight_smile:


I had this issue yesterday, luckily I hadn’t loaded any money onto my card so the majority declined. It was all payments to Tesco, Dominos, Netflix etc and then a 30p payment in dollars which was to some fitness thing.

Contacted Monzo and they blocked the card and sent a replacement and refunded the transactions which had been successful.


Mark, was this a pre paid card or the new current account?

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I still have the pre-paid card. I have to say though, Monzo have been fantastic and got a new card to me very quickly, plus it was great to be able to sort it all out via the in app chat rather than calling several numbers only to be put on hold :+1:t2::+1:t2:


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