So last night I received a genuine looking email from Depop requesting payment details for the trainers I just sold.
Followed it all through and in the end had £295 removed from my account via tranfergo .
I’ve straight away contacted monzo for a stop or investigation but am wait back still
This has got me in a right mess as I haven’t now enough funds to cover bills etc.
Has this happend to anybody else and what was the outcome
Hey! Welcome to the community!
I’m sorry that happened to you. Monzo should have your back in situations like this, they’re just often a little slow to rectify it relative to other banks.
Was it a debit card payment or a bank transfer? (I’m not familiar transfergo)
You’re better protected if it was debit card transaction, because Monzo can issue a chargeback for you.
How did you contact Monzo about the fraud? Did you report a problem via the transaction itself, or initiate a live chat via help? Reporting a problem via the transaction is usually much more efficient.
Hope it’s resolved for you soon. Good luck!
Tha k you for responding.
Yes it was via card payment and it was reported via the transaction.
My worry is I was sent a comfirm payment request via monzo for this traction but believed it be for a card check etc.
Feel so stupid about it to be honest
Don’t feel stupid. These things can be really sophisticated and catch even the best of us off guard.
Hopefully Monzo will do a chargeback for you and get you that money back ASAP.
What email provider do you use?
Was the email from the depop web address?
Just wondering if it was spoofed and how it got past the spam filtering.
Interestingly it was sent to a email account I didn’t think was connected to depop and the email used on further looking doesn’t seen right but the root of it was depop.
Was just glad my trainers had sold so wanted the get money sent across asap
Haven’t sold on Depop before.
Was it a personal domain or a @gmail/@hotmail?
Ahh yes so it being icloud might have got past the filters gmail/hotmail have.
Are you with gmail/hotmail yourself?
I’ve cancelled my depop and closed the account but all I hope is to get my money back
You are just very unfortunate the email came from iCloud which will have helped get it past spam filtering on gmail which is usually very good.
Good luck with your refund.
It’s likely to have been a phishing attack. 100s of people get the same email, it only takes one person to have actually shopped there recently to get them their money. Sorry that this happened and it could happen to any of us.
I’m sure Monzo will help do the right thing here but some tips for the future.
Check the email address: often spammers will be lazy and use an iCloud/gmail etc address.
Find alternative ways to validate if it’s real. For example don’t click the link, so login to DePop etc and see if there’s a corresponding notification.
Good luck in getting the money back.
The exact thing has happened to me I’m so upset and feel like a complete idiot. Did you get your money back through Monzo?
If someone else got their money back it doesn’t guarantee you will.
Make sure you’re cooperative, communicate all the facts clearly, and supply plenty of evidence to give you the best chance.
Yes I know that it doesn’t guarantee that I will but I was just asking a question to see if anyone else has been successful that is all!