I’d been trying out Starling and decided to move what little money I had in there to my Monzo CA.
Transferred less than £5 yesterday at 18:24 and it didn’t appear in my Monzo CA until 11:48 this morning.
Is this expected? Do small payments like this take longer to process for some reason?
I’m not sure if the delay here is on the Starling end or Monzo but thought it was worth bringing up. If I’m paying someone for grabbing me a coffee or something it’s likely going to me a small amount, I know with Monzo.me it’s instant but will it be between current accounts?
Monzo will credit your account with the money as soon as it arrives. Starling supports Faster Payments which, to all intents and purposes is instant. Likely it either got held up for fraud checks or their systems were being slow.
Cynical me says that they are deliberately delaying transactions to Monzo sort codes but that would be breaching agreements on so many levels (and be illegal)…
To clarify, Monzo also supports Faster Payments so transactions outbound from your Monzo account will be instant.
I’d ask Starling for an explanation first & if they say that the money was sent straight away, follow up with Monzo’s support team, via the in-app chat.
I wasn’t aware of this until I just checked.
All faster payments have to arrive by the end of the next business day. So whilst we are used to very quick or instant movement in fact it doesn’t have to be.
So your payment was completed within the timeframes allowed.
EDIT: strictly speaking though as both banks were part of the FPS it shouldn’t take more than 2 hours - unless your a legacy bank🙂