Declined payment on valid card - "message: Card expired"

Tried to pay for groceries online using Monzo flex for the first time replacing a saved debit card.

Received a declined message.
“Your card expired”. (Below the transaction). However, the card is valid.
“Payment from old card. We declined this payment because it’s linked to a card you replaced”.

Any advise would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Did you type the correct numbers? Is your card activated? Have you asked Monzo?

Are you using the details visible in the app to make this payment?

Hello Revels

The card details were correct. However, I haven’t activated the physical flex card. But I was using the virtual card for other payments and everything went fine.
I tried contacting Monzo in the app through ‘Transaction help’. It gives only an option to ‘report fraud and block the card’.

Thank you

Yes I was using the virtual flex card for the payment.

When you order a physical Flex card, your existing virtual Flex card number is automatically deactivated.

You will receive a new virtual Flex card number that matches the one on your physical Flex card. This new number will need to be activated.

Your old virtual Flex card number becomes obsolete and can’t be used for payments.

To resolve any issues, you’ll need to activate your physical Flex card. Once activated, update any saved payment details with the new virtual or physical Flex card number.


Thank you. That makes sense. I have done the transaction in that window.