Declined card withdrawal at Link ATM

That reminds me, there is a pub near me that has an old janky machine and that never took my PP card nor did the cash machine on the corner, I will try the pub one later and see if it takes my CA card as I know the corner one does now.

Out of curiosity does anyone know if Metro Bank ATMs support the LINK network? My Metro Bank card has the LINK AID, but on the LINK website, they’re only listed as a card issuer and not as an ATM operator. I’d find this quite bizarre, indeed, if their cards support LINK but their ATMs don’t!

I mean as excuses for a pint go, this is pretty good.

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This means they are a member of LINK so your card will work at any LINK ATM. Not all members are ATM operators but all members card’s will work on any LINK ATM :slight_smile:

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But is that true? It seems really odd they would issue LINK cards (and they do, mine has the LINK AID), but not connect their own ATMs to LINK. In other words, do the part that costs them money but not the part that might make them some money…

It may well cost them quite a lot of money if their ATMs are non-standard (software/hardware) or in some other way don’t meet LINK specifications :slight_smile:


Yes it is true. They are happy to pay for LINK to increase card acceptance for their customers but not happy to pay to connect their machines which would just benefit not their customers but customers of other banks

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No no no this is for testing purposes only :eyes:

Thanks for the explanation. My understanding was that you got paid to connect your ATMs, but that you paid when cards were used. So it made no sense to connect cards but not ATMs.

Now it makes more sense, I failed to consider there might be development costs to adding the LINK kernel. I figured all ATMs sold in the UK would be very modular and already have all the development work for LINK done.

The answer is actually a bit simpler than all that - Metro Bank don’t operate their own machines:


That makes more sense.


as Merkitten had indicated when pointing out the Link website showed they did not belong as an ATM operator

Thanks for posting the interesting link to the Notemachine site. I think along with CashZone they are one of the bigger players in the ATM market.

Late answer but I have confirmed that they do. At least, the ATMs at the fairly recent Chelmsford store do. :slightly_smiling_face:

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and those at the fairly new Colchester store

Thanks! It’s been established on here the reason they aren’t a LINK ATM member is that they don’t run their own ATMs.


Yeah I had exactly the same issue. It was really inconvenient and the first drawback I’ve had since becoming a customer later last year. I believe Monzo need to address this. :slightly_frowning_face: