Are there any plans to implement support for the LINK network in the Monzo CA card? I had an issue with a Cumberland Building Society ATM earlier, which meant I had to walk to another one (I would’ve used it as a card purchase, but the store doesn’t take cards - it’s a pain).
The ATM did only have the LINK branding, and it didn’t have any other card brands on it, so I really wasn’t expecting it to work, but it would be nice if the card worked with ALL UK ATMs.
Even more annoying was that it looked like the card was going to work, but then when I selected the amount to withdraw it gave me my card and said that there had been an error with it .
At the moment, I’m afraid I’m not aware of any immediate plans. Most ATMs that are connected to LINK are also directly connected to Mastercard which generally means you should be able to withdraw cash at them. A notable exception is Co-Op Bank ATMs which I believe are only connected to LINK.
Thank you for the feedback however, I will pass it back to the Master of Card Acceptance (aka @Louis.cox)
But it does work with a lot of Link machines. I have used it in various brands of Link machine such as Cashzone, it is just a small number of operators (maybe Notemachine from memory but not sure).
Mastercard are currently working with some UK operators to increase card acceptance so with luck within the coming 6 months we may see some increase in acceptance in the dreadful Link network.
Cashzone works for cash but not balance enquiries.
I found it will display balance for legacy banks but most fintech banks it won’t and I guess this is down to charges. I know a bank in EU that charge for an ATM balance enquiry a transaction fee, so presume banks have to pay for balance enquiries as well as cash withdrawals. Maybe @RichardR or one of the other wise oracles at Monzo know the answer to that!?