Daily (morning) Balance Notification

I was using a separate app which I paid for (for 2 months) to see if it could help my budgeting.

The only feature I loved was a daily notification in the morning of my balance across my accounts.

With Monzo’s ability to integrate and get the balance from different bank accounts, I would love to have this feature

I wonder if IFTTT could do this…

maybe of interest … obvs only for Monzo account , but maybe thats your spending account ???

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IFTTT can’t see balances unfortunately.

If you sign up to Snoop you can link your Monzo account and then you get a notification if balances at 8am every morning.


That’s similar to what I did… it wasn’t snoop but one called ‘Emma’.
It would just have a pop up in the morning of all accounts I selected; Monzo accounts (pots included) + other Bank accounts.
That’s all.

But it was really useful to have

You could set up a widget instead, so you always have your balance handy. With iOS 14, you should be able to display it on your home screen. I imagine the same is possible on Android

There’s no monzo widgets on android - perhaps that’s a request in itself!

Already done :stuck_out_tongue:

Not directly. But until Monzo include a useful widget, you can set up a meta widget to display whatever Monzo data you need with a bit of work;

IFTTT and Google services are needed, so you’ll need accounts with IFTTT and Google to make it work. And only Monzo Personal accounts are supported as Joint Accounts don’t yet work with IFTTT :cry:

Thanks for sharing this!
It showed allowed budget, which is great! But the initial request is about showing a daily balance - and just getting that (especially now that Monzo can iget he balance from my B&M bank), it’d be great to get a notification of –
"Mate, here’s your balances:

  • Monzo Account 1
  • Monzo Account 2
  • Bank Account 1

that’s it